Al Hikmah schools
School Matters
A bright future begins with a good education
The fields of humanitarian service that THE MARIE DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION is currently working in.
Governments are responsible for protecting the rights of refugees, stateless and internally displaced persons (IDPs). Humanitarian agencies are mandated to assist states to fulfill their obligations with due consideration for the Humanitarian Charter, Protection Principles, and the internationally defined Core and Minimum Standards to be attained during a humanitarian response.
Education is a basic human right and essential protection measure in situations of displacement. Quality education saves lives by providing physical protection from dangers and exploitation often present during displacement. Education can convey life-saving information to children and their families, strengthening survival skills and coping mechanisms which can be essential during displacement
People should have access to adequate and appropriate food and income generation opportunities in a manner that is accountable, ensures their survival and well-being, prevents erosion of their assets, and upholds their safety and dignity.
The mission of Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) is to ensure equitable access to shelter and protection for displaced persons living in communal settings, to improve their quality of life and dignity during displacement, and to advocate for solutions while preparing them for life after displacement
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) services must meet basic needs. Providing these services in sufficient quantity and quality is urgent for people to survive, stay in good health, and maintain dignity.
In addition to Food Security, people should also have access to adequate non-food items (NFIs) and housing/shelter, as all people should be provided with the means to live in safe, dignified, and appropriate living conditions. .
The THE MARIE DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION Foundation for Relief and Development (TMDF) is a non-profit organization concerned with the implementation of humanitarian projects in different countries.
The Bati Center for Orphan Care directly shelters and cares for over 160 children in Gaziantep, Turkey
The library aims to spread knowledge through a diverse collection of books in Arabic, Turkish, and English.
The five empowerment and psychosocial support (PSS) centers are established inside Syria, and positioned to offer their services to approximately 14,000 women and girls
A bright future begins with a good education. The Hikmeh Schools teach 820 Syrian children, grades one through six
THE MARIE DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION was established out of the Dassault family`s inner edict of giving back to society, and commitment to improving the human surroundings.
The THE MARIE DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION(TMDF) is a nonprofit organization which strives to provide relief to refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in need, give grants to individual/organizations. Our first initiative was the establishment and management of the "Hope Tree" Atmeh IDP camp in Syria, home to thousands of IDP. TMDF has been operating in and around Turkey, other countries, and currently designs and carries out its project through and implementing arm of the organization in, Turkey and France.
The name "THE MARIE DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION" was established after meeting an inspirational young girl who was hit by Syrian government shrapnel and paralyzed. Talking to her, and hearing her inspiring words, convinced the founders that more was needed to provide real support--both in aid, and operations to assist in efforts for victims of war.
TMDF first initiative was again to establish and manage the "Hope Tree" IDP camp on the Syrian side of the Turkish border, in the governorate in Idleb. After witnessing the thousands of IDPs sleeping outside, and without shelter, TMDF immediately purchased and set up the necessary tents--thereby establishing the camp for IDPs. The "Hope Tree" IDP camp remains to this day, sheltering well over 11.000 people.